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Tanzania Project, Background

This simple kiln, as from a 1999 project in Guinea, will be used in the project in Kibondo, Tanzania, nearby Burundi.  To begin with, production will be for insulating pottery rocket stoves.
These Guinean government environmental officials were trained to make such energy efficient, ceramic stoves as those shown.
Inside this kiln, at upper left, are small curved bricks, to be built up inside a sheet metal cylinder, as shown below.
These curved bricks will be built into the first insulating rocket stove, as fabricated by Kibondo clay workers. With a bit of shaping, these will be built into the sheet metal cylinder, as shown below.  Note that these are black, due to the 50% content of powdered charcoal.  This will burn out, as shown above.
The first level of bricks are as  shown.  Once built up, this will give the insulating pottery rocket stove.
This simple scove kiln is what's used to fire building brick.  By adding into the clay compositions in a controlled way, such materials as sand, it will be possible to produce heat resistant, refractory brick.  This will enable construction of periodic kilns, for the firing of higher fire ceramic ware.

The scove kiln, as above, has had a mud plaster applied.  This helps in insulation.

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